
Showing posts from August, 2017

31 August 2017: Knin, Croatia to Drvar, Bosnia

Mileage: Today-44; Total-239 As shown in the profile, we started with 10 miles of climbing, about 2000 ft, some more around 30 miles, and a long downhill. More on the downhill road conditions in the photos. We needed jackets for the first time, for about 15 minutes. Eating options were limited since we turned inland to sparsely populated areas with numerous abandoned homes and few town or villages. The effects of the 1995 war are evident. Dog of the Day. Today I saw perhaps 6 different dogs simply hanging out at roadsides. This one was intently gnawing on a large bone and never looked up or paused as we passed. Abandoned Roadside Restaurant. The large, perhaps 8 foot diameter wood wheel above the door was weathered but still there. Note the open structure to the right, a roof with chimney to keep rain off a smoker or grill, and perhaps the small boy assigned to tend the fire for hours. Bullet Holes. A common sight in Bosnia, lingering eviden

30 August 2017: Marina to Knin, Croatia

Mileage: Today-65; Total-195 Due to the mid-afternoon heat, we started an hour earlier, 7 am. Given the rest on the ferry, cooler weather, and less climbing, we covered far more miles. However, the coast road traffic was heavy, so we are taking the inland route that will include Bosnia. We cycled through two tunnels as we crossed the coastal mountains. Shadows Adriatic Coast North of Marina 2nd Breakfast. The first was a peach, yoghurt, and coffee. Just another village and harbor. Pomegranate.  Ready to BBQ. Stuart Exiting 2nd Tunnel. After crossing the coastal range, we cycled through a dry plateau, mostly shrub evergreens and dry weeds, confirmation of Southern Europe’s heat wave and drought. While the coast was dry without a hint of rain, we saw numerous fig trees, olives, grapes, and gardens with tomatoes, peppers, and beans. Here, only grapes, thriving where they had water, OK if well established with deep roots. Many vineyards and